Environmental, Health & Safety:
514-848-2424, ext. 4877
Hazardous waste disposal procedures

What is hazardous waste?
Hazardous waste is defined as a combination of waste, which because of its quantity, concentration, physical or chemical characteristics may pose a substantial present or potential threat to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, disposed of, transported, or otherwise managed. Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) provides hazardous material disposal services to the university community. Disposal of hazardous waste is free of charge, provided the waste is coming from internal research or teaching activities and the proper waste disposal guidelines are followed. Please refer to the disposal guidelines for the different types of waste.
Hazardous Waste Procedures
In the event that hazardous waste procedures are not respected, EHS will take the following actions:
- First Infraction: A Non-Compliance Notice to the requester (copied to the person responsible for the area) indicating the nature of the problem(s) encountered during the hazardous waste pick up.
- Second Infraction: A Non-Compliance Notice to the requester (copied to the person responsible for the area) indicating they will be required to attend Hazardous Waste Disposal Training, if they have not already attended the training. If they have already attended Hazardous Waste Disposal Training, the third infraction will apply.
- Third Infraction: A Non-Compliance Notice indicating all hazardous waste collection for the area is suspended and a meeting will be scheduled with the individual responsible for the area (Principle Investigator/Researcher/Supervisor) to determine the corrective action necessary to resolve the issue and to re-instate the hazardous waste collection.
For inquiries about the hazardous waste management program contact Environmental Health & Safety at hazardouswaste@concordia.ca.