Environmental, Health & Safety:
514-848-2424, ext. 4877
Other hazardous waste disposal procedures

What are they?
They consist of any other types of waste material considered to be dangerous for human health or the environment and cannot be thrown in regular waste.
Such waste includes:
- full and/or empty paint containers, aerosol paints
- alkaline or lithium batteries
- toner cartridges
- fluorescent tubes or bulbs
- computers, printers or other small electronics
Most paint containers can be recycled. Concordia has partnered with Eco-Peinture for recycling paint products. To find out which paint products are accepted refer to the Eco-Peinture website. For paint container pick-up email hazardouswaste@concordia.ca.
For disposal/recycling of toner cartridges, batteries, CFL bulbs, computers, small electronics and any other e-waste, please refer to the e-waste web page to find out about the different drop-off points on each campus.