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Department of English


NICOLA NIXON, PhD University of Toronto; Associate Professor


Sir George Williams Campus


For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.

Department Objectives

The Department of English offers studies in literature, creative writing, and composition. Literary studies encourage appreciation and critical analysis of texts in their historical, literary, and cultural contexts. The Creative Writing program allows students to learn the craft involved in the production of original literary work. Professional Writing courses develop writing skills for use in business, technical, and other professional environments. Composition courses help to develop writing skills from basic to advanced levels.

Admission Requirements

TOEFL iBT Requirement

In order to be considered for admission to any of the programs offered by the Department of English, International applicants whose first language is not English must submit a recent TOEFL iBT score of 100 or higher with a minimum of 22 on the writing section. These tests must have been written within the past 24 months.

Admission Requirements for Creative Writing Courses and Programs

Creative Writing programs (Major in Creative Writing, Minor in Creative Writing, Honours in English and Creative Writing) are designed to develop the literary skills of students with a commitment to writing as an art form. Structured workshops guide students through the practice of their craft from introductory to advanced levels under the supervision of experienced writers. Enrolment is limited to permit constructive analysis of a student’s work.

Admission to the Creative Writing programs and courses requires approval of a creative portfolio and a letter of intent. Students wishing to enter any introductory genre course in Creative Writing (ENGL 225, ENGL 226, ENGL 227) or the Creative Writing programs (Major, Minor, Honours in English and Creative Writing) must apply by submitting a letter of intent and a portfolio consisting of a maximum of 15 pages of their best writing in poetry, drama, and/or fiction (short stories or novel excerpts). For students applying to the Creative Writing programs, submission in more than one genre is required.

Portfolios and letters of intent must be uploaded in PDF format by going to the Student Hub > My CU Account > Student Centre. Application deadlines for students new to Concordia or in Concordia degree programs other than the BA are November 1 (for January admission) and March 1 (for September admission). Applications in these cases will be received as early as September and January, respectively. For students currently in a BA program in another discipline, the portfolio and letter of intent must be uploaded directly to the Student Centre in PDF format by June 1 for courses starting in September and by November 7 for courses starting in January. Since student demand regularly outpaces enrolment capacity, early application is advisable in all cases.

For further details on, and updates to, admission procedures, please consult the Department of English website. Students are required to complete the appropriate entrance profile for entry into the program (see Section 31.002 Programs and Admission Requirements — Profiles).

Requirements for Composition Courses

Before taking a composition course for the first time, students must take a placement test to determine which of the following courses is best suited to their writing needs: ENGL 206, ENGL 207, ENGL 210, ENGL 212, ENGL 213, or ENGL 396. Students in English Literature, Creative Writing, or Professional Writing programs write a placement test adapted to reflect their interests in literature and language. ENGL 206, ENGL 207, ENGL 210, ENGL 212, and ENGL 213 do not count toward English Literature or Creative Writing programs, but may be counted as general electives.

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