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Ethics Course Groups

Applied and Normative Ethics

PHIL 233 Applied Ethics (3.00)
PHIL 235 Biomedical Ethics (3.00)
PHIL 236 Environmental Ethics (3.00)
PHIL 266 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion (3.00)
PHIL 330 Contemporary Ethical Theory (3.00)
PHIL 333 Philosophical Ideas in Literature (3.00)
PHIL 339 Aesthetics (3.00)
PHIL 389 Epistemology and Ethics in the Digital Age (3.00)
PHIL 429 Values and Biotechnology (3.00)
PHIL 430 Advanced Studies in Ethics (3.00)

Fundamentals I

PHIL 210 Critical Thinking (3.00)
PHIL 214 Deductive Logic (3.00)
PHIL 220 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (3.00)
PHIL 226 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind (3.00)
PHIL 263 Introduction to Epistemology (3.00)
PHIL 265 Introduction to Metaphysics (3.00)
PHIL 275 From Modern to Postmodern: Philosophical Thought and Cultural Critique (3.00)
PHIL 280 Classical Chinese Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 281 Philosophy in the Islamic World (3.00)
PHIL 285 World Philosophy (3.00)

Fundamentals II

PHIL 316 Intermediate Logic (3.00)
PHIL 318 Philosophy of Biology (3.00)
PHIL 324 Philosophy of Social Science (3.00)
PHIL 325 Philosophical Psychology (3.00)
PHIL 328 Intermediate Philosophy of Science (3.00)
PHIL 377 20th‑Century Continental Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 380 Chinese Philosophy: From Han to the 19th Century (3.00)
PHIL 387 Existentialism (3.00)

Political, Legal, and Social Philosophy

PHIL 241 Philosophy of Human Rights (3.00)
PHIL 342 Political Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 343 Philosophy of Law: General Jurisprudence (3.00)
PHIL 371 Philosophy of Feminism (3.00)
PHIL 372 Philosophy of Race (3.00)
PHIL 385 Marxism (3.00)
PHIL 440 Advanced Political Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 471 Advanced Topics in Feminist Theory (3.00)
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