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Department of Art Education




Sir George Williams Campus


For the complete list of faculty members, please consult the Department website.

Department Objectives

The Art Education Department offers two teacher preparation programs that emphasize the student’s development as artist, researcher, and professional. Students are expected to develop an artistic and teaching practice that connects conceptual understanding, critical reflection, and practical experience. The Major in Art Education – Visual Arts is a three‑year program. In the first two years, students are introduced to the fundamentals of the field of art education. In the third year, students concentrate on professional practice and performance as community art educators in settings such as community centres, adult education programs, recreation programs, and museums.

The Specialization in Art Education – Visual Arts is a four‑year program leading to teacher certification as an elementary‑ and secondary‑school art specialist. The program conforms to the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) requirements for an extended teaching practicum and preparation in visual arts. The number of practicum hours is determined by the MEQ and may be subject to change.

The Minor in Art Education – Visual Arts is a 24-credit program designed to give students familiarity and ability with the basics of the theory and practice of community arts education, and may be particularly useful to visual artists who anticipate that some project-based teaching work will supplement their studio practice.

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