New students
Congratulations on your acceptance to undergraduate studies in the Department of Applied Human Sciences (AHSC). We are very happy that you have decided to pursue your studies with us! This new student advising package should help you with some of your many questions.
Official acceptance
You should be receiving your official acceptance (via email PDF attachment) from the university admissions office shortly. It contains:
- Your student ID number;
- The number of credits needed to complete your degree (90, 108, or 120);
- The program you have been accepted to in AHSC;
- Your exemptions, if any;
- Your deficiencies, if any;
- Your advanced standing (transfer credits), if applicable.
NB: You may only begin registering for your classes after you have received your official acceptance, confirmed your acceptance AND paid your confirmation fee through your Student Centre.
Important references
There are two references you will use throughout your studies at Concordia, particularly in terms of program requirements and registration. Both can be found on under Quick Links and then under Study Resources.
- The first and most important reference is the Undergraduate Class Schedule. This is where you find course offerings with the times, days and room numbers in which the courses will take place.
- The second is the Undergraduate Calendar. Simply put, this is a reference tool for academic dates, university policies, program requirements, and course descriptions.
You should not use the Calendar when selecting your courses as not all the courses listed may be offered during the upcoming academic year.
New student academic advising sessions
Touchstones are virtual general advising sessions. New students are highly encouraged to attend a session, though it is not mandatory. Please register below.
Please note that these dates can be changed. We advise you to confirm the date/time on this page shortly before the session you plan to attend.
Program vs. degree requirements
Your program may require anywhere from 42 to 60 credits for the Major/Specialization; 39 credits for certificates and 30 credits for the Minor in Human Relations. Your degree can require anywhere from 90 to 120 credits, depending on the basis of your admission.
Major and Specialization students can add a Minor outside the AHSC department (which can range from 24 to 30 credits) to consolidate some or most of your remaining credits into a discipline of interest; however, this is not required.
The 24 elective credits rule
24 of your elective credits must be taken outside the AHSC department. If you choose to take a Minor in another department, this would satisfy this requirement.
General Education requirement
In order to satisfy the Arts and Science General Education requirement, at least six of your elective credits must come from courses in any Faculty but outside of the Social Science sector, of which Applied Human Sciences is a part.
Courses from the following departments DO NOT count towards the General Education requirement for AHSC students: Applied Human Sciences; Economics; Education; Geography, Planning and Environment; Political Science; Religion; School of Community and Public Affairs; Sociology and Anthropology; and, Simone de Beauvoir Institute.
Full-time & part-time
In order to be considered a full-time student, you must be registered in at least 12 credits per term — or four 3-credit courses. The maximum allowed without special permission is 15 credits per term.
Course registration
You should always register for both your fall term and winter term courses at the same — and earliest possible — time. Failure to do so may result in your being unable to register at a later date for required classes.
You are able to contingently register for a course that requires a prerequisite provided you also register for the prerequisite course in the preceding term. For example, AHSC 230 (scheduled in the fall term) is a prerequisite for AHSC 232 (scheduled in the winter term). Once you have registered for AHSC 230 in the fall term the system will allow you to register for AHSC 232 in the winter term.
Suggested first year courses
Full-time specialization students in all programs are encouraged to pursue at least 21 credits of required program credits in their first year. Full-time major students in all programs are encouraged to take at least 12 credits of required program courses in their first year.
All full-time students should complete the “common core” courses AHSC 220, AHSC 230 and AHSC 260 in their first year.
Human relations students should also complete AHSC 232 and AHSC 270.
Leisure Sciences and Therapeutic Recreation students should also complete AHSC 241 and AHSC 321, and Therapeutic Recreation students should also take AHSC 281.
Registration problems – technical
If you experience technical difficulties when trying to register for classes, please contact the IT Service desk at 514-848-2424, ext. 7613 or by email at A ‘ticket’ will be created and the ticket number you will be issued is your reference number.
If possible, please take a screenshot of the error message and email it to the helpdesk, along with your student ID number, your “netname,” and a brief explanation of what you were trying to do when you encountered the problem.
Two campuses
Concordia University has two campuses: Sir George Williams (SGW) located in downtown Montreal and Loyola (LOY) located in the west end of Montreal. These campuses are seven kilometers apart.
- Applied Human Sciences courses are all held at the Loyola campus.
- Your elective courses may be scheduled at either campus.
- A shuttle bus ferries students between the campuses.
- A MINIMUM of 30 minutes travel time is required to get to the other campus on the shuttle.
- An HOUR is recommended between classes if travelling from one campus to the other.
- The shuttle bus schedule is at under ‘Quick Links.’
- A valid Concordia student ID card must be shown to take the bus.