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English Course Groups

Early and Medieval Literature


ENGL 302 History of the English Language (3.00)
ENGL 3040 Chaucer: Tragedy and Philosophy (3.00)
ENGL 3041 Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales (3.00)
ENGL 305 Studies in Medieval English Literature (3.00)
ENGL 306 Tolkien’s Old English (3.00)
ENGL 307 The Viking Age in Poetry and Prose (3.00)
ENGL 308 Mysteries, Miracles, and Medieval Drama (3.00)
ENGL 430 Old English: Intensive Course (6.00)
ENGL 4320 Middle English (3.00)
ENGL 434 Advanced Topics in Medieval Literature (3.00)

Renaissance Literature

ENGL 3090 Women Writers of the Early Modern Period (3.00)
ENGL 310 English Renaissance Poetry (3.00)
ENGL 311 English Renaissance Prose (3.00)
ENGL 3150 Major Author, Renaissance (3.00)
ENGL 316 Spenser (3.00)
ENGL 317 Studies in English Renaissance Literature (3.00)
ENGL 318 English Renaissance Drama (3.00)
ENGL 319 Milton (3.00)
ENGL 3200 Shakespeare: Histories and Tragedies (3.00)
ENGL 3201 Shakespeare: Comedies and Romances (3.00)
ENGL 437 Advanced Topics in Renaissance Literature (3.00)

18th-Century Literature


ENGL 321 Studies in Restoration and Early 18th-Century Literature (3.00)
ENGL 322 Restoration and 18th‑Century Drama (3.00)
ENGL 323 The Literature of Sensibility (3.00)
ENGL 3250 Major Author, 18th Century (3.00)
ENGL 326 Studies in 18th‑Century British Literature (3.00)
ENGL 327 Restoration and 18th‑Century Satire (3.00)
ENGL 328 The Rise of the Novel (3.00)
ENGL 331 Women Writers of the 18th Century (3.00)
ENGL 441 Advanced Topics in 18th-Century Literature (3.00)

19th-Century Literature


ENGL 3290 Romanticism (3.00)
ENGL 332 Studies in 19th-Century Literature (3.00)
ENGL 333 19th-Century Poetry (3.00)
ENGL 334 19th-Century Fiction (3.00)
ENGL 3341 Women Writers of the 19th Century (3.00)
ENGL 3351 Colonialism and Empire in the Victorian period (3.00)
ENGL 3361 Major Author, 19th Century (3.00)
ENGL 443 Advanced Topics in 19th-Century Literature (3.00)

Modern and Contemporary Literature

ENGL 338 Studies in 20th-Century British Literature (3.00)
ENGL 3390 Black British Literature and Culture (3.00)
ENGL 3400 Modernism (3.00)
ENGL 341 Modern Fiction (3.00)
ENGL 343 Modern European Literature (3.00)
ENGL 345 Modern Drama (3.00)
ENGL 349 Modern Poetry (3.00)
ENGL 3491 Major Author, 20th Century (3.00)
ENGL 351 Women Writers of the 20th Century (3.00)
ENGL 352 Contemporary Women Writers (3.00)
ENGL 3521 Queer and Trans Writers (3.00)
ENGL 353 Contemporary Irish Literature (3.00)
ENGL 354 Studies in 21st-Century Literature (3.00)
ENGL 355 Joyce (3.00)
ENGL 356 The Irish Short Story Tradition (3.00)
ENGL 357 The Irish Literary Revival (3.00)
ENGL 359 Studies in Irish Literature (3.00)
ENGL 446 Advanced Topics in 20th-Century Literature (3.00)
ENGL 4490 Advanced Topics in International Modernism (3.00)

Canadian Literature


ENGL 244 Quebec/Montreal Writing in English (3.00)
ENGL 3700 Studies in Canadian Literature (3.00)
ENGL 373 19th‑Century Canadian Literature (3.00)
ENGL 374 20th-Century Canadian Literature (3.00)
ENGL 3771 Race and Ethnicity in Canadian Literature (3.00)
ENGL 378 Canadian Poetry (3.00)
ENGL 3790 Canadian Fiction (3.00)
ENGL 453 Advanced Topics in Canadian Literature (3.00)

American Literature

ENGL 3600 Studies in American Literature (3.00)
ENGL 362 Pre-Civil War American Literature (3.00)
ENGL 363 Post-Civil War American Literature (3.00)
ENGL 364 20th-Century American Literature (3.00)
ENGL 3651 Race and Ethnicity in American Literature (3.00)
ENGL 366 The American Novel (3.00)
ENGL 367 American Poetry (3.00)
ENGL 369 African-American Literature (3.00)
ENGL 450 Advanced Topics in American Literature (3.00)

Indigenous Literature

ENGL 380 Indigenous Literatures (3.00)
ENGL 3811 Critical Perspectives on Settler Colonialism (3.00)
ENGL 4560 Advanced Topics in Decolonizing Theories and Literatures (3.00)
ENGL 4561 Advanced Topics in Indigenous Studies (3.00)

Literary Theory or History of Criticism

ENGL 300 Video Games and/as Theory (3.00)
ENGL 3010 Literature and Media (3.00)
ENGL 3811 Critical Perspectives on Settler Colonialism (3.00)
ENGL 389 History of Literary Theory (3.00)
ENGL 390 Studies in Rhetoric (3.00)
ENGL 391 Studies in Health Humanities and Literature (3.00)
ENGL 392 Introduction to Critical Theory (3.00)
ENGL 393 Gender and Sexuality in Literary Studies (3.00)
ENGL 394 Critical Race Theory (3.00)
ENGL 3945 Black Studies and Literature (3.00)
ENGL 3946 Environmental Humanities (3.00)
ENGL 3999 Selected Topics in Critical Theory (3.00)
ENGL 444 Advanced Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies (3.00)
ENGL 447 Advanced Topics in Critical Theory (3.00)
ENGL 4480 Advanced Topics in Environmental Humanities (3.00)
ENGL 4481 Advanced Topics in Literature and Media (3.00)
ENGL 4482 Advanced Topics in Critical Race Theory (3.00)
ENGL 4560 Advanced Topics in Decolonizing Theories and Literatures (3.00)

Postcolonial Literature


ENGL 3811 Critical Perspectives on Settler Colonialism (3.00)
ENGL 382 Literature of Migration and Diaspora (3.00)
ENGL 383 African Literatures (3.00)
ENGL 385 Studies in Postcolonial Literature and Theory (3.00)
ENGL 386 Caribbean Literature (3.00)
ENGL 387 South Asian Literature (3.00)
ENGL 388 Literature from Australia and New Zealand (3.00)
ENGL 454 Advanced Topics in Postcolonial Studies (3.00)
ENGL 4560 Advanced Topics in Decolonizing Theories and Literatures (3.00)

Periods before 1800 (British) Literature

ENGL 302 History of the English Language (3.00)
ENGL 3030 Gender and Sexuality in the Middle Ages (3.00)
ENGL 3040 Chaucer: Tragedy and Philosophy (3.00)
ENGL 3041 Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales (3.00)
ENGL 305 Studies in Medieval English Literature (3.00)
ENGL 306 Tolkien’s Old English (3.00)
ENGL 307 The Viking Age in Poetry and Prose (3.00)
ENGL 308 Mysteries, Miracles, and Medieval Drama (3.00)
ENGL 3090 Women Writers of the Early Modern Period (3.00)
ENGL 310 English Renaissance Poetry (3.00)
ENGL 311 English Renaissance Prose (3.00)
ENGL 3150 Major Author, Renaissance (3.00)
ENGL 316 Spenser (3.00)
ENGL 317 Studies in English Renaissance Literature (3.00)
ENGL 318 English Renaissance Drama (3.00)
ENGL 319 Milton (3.00)
ENGL 3200 Shakespeare: Histories and Tragedies (3.00)
ENGL 3201 Shakespeare: Comedies and Romances (3.00)
ENGL 321 Studies in Restoration and Early 18th-Century Literature (3.00)
ENGL 322 Restoration and 18th‑Century Drama (3.00)
ENGL 323 The Literature of Sensibility (3.00)
ENGL 3250 Major Author, 18th Century (3.00)
ENGL 326 Studies in 18th‑Century British Literature (3.00)
ENGL 327 Restoration and 18th‑Century Satire (3.00)
ENGL 328 The Rise of the Novel (3.00)
ENGL 331 Women Writers of the 18th Century (3.00)
ENGL 430 Old English: Intensive Course (6.00)
ENGL 4320 Middle English (3.00)
ENGL 434 Advanced Topics in Medieval Literature (3.00)
ENGL 437 Advanced Topics in Renaissance Literature (3.00)
ENGL 441 Advanced Topics in 18th-Century Literature (3.00)

19th-Century and 20th-Century (British and European) Literature

ENGL 3290 Romanticism (3.00)
ENGL 332 Studies in 19th-Century Literature (3.00)
ENGL 333 19th-Century Poetry (3.00)
ENGL 334 19th-Century Fiction (3.00)
ENGL 3341 Women Writers of the 19th Century (3.00)
ENGL 3351 Colonialism and Empire in the Victorian period (3.00)
ENGL 3361 Major Author, 19th Century (3.00)
ENGL 338 Studies in 20th-Century British Literature (3.00)
ENGL 3390 Black British Literature and Culture (3.00)
ENGL 3400 Modernism (3.00)
ENGL 341 Modern Fiction (3.00)
ENGL 343 Modern European Literature (3.00)
ENGL 345 Modern Drama (3.00)
ENGL 349 Modern Poetry (3.00)
ENGL 3491 Major Author, 20th Century (3.00)
ENGL 351 Women Writers of the 20th Century (3.00)
ENGL 352 Contemporary Women Writers (3.00)
ENGL 3521 Queer and Trans Writers (3.00)
ENGL 353 Contemporary Irish Literature (3.00)
ENGL 355 Joyce (3.00)
ENGL 356 The Irish Short Story Tradition (3.00)
ENGL 357 The Irish Literary Revival (3.00)
ENGL 359 Studies in Irish Literature (3.00)
ENGL 443 Advanced Topics in 19th-Century Literature (3.00)
ENGL 446 Advanced Topics in 20th-Century Literature (3.00)
ENGL 4490 Advanced Topics in International Modernism (3.00)
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