Safety checks
Checkmate is our safety check program.
Checkmate is an automated telephone safety check system that calls you or sends text messages to you every hour when you are working alone after hours.
Once you have registered at a Protection and Prevention desk or on this page, you will receive your first check in call or text within 5 minutes of subscribing and every hour until the selected end time. You will receive your last safety check 15 minutes prior to the time you requested the safety checks to stop.
How do I active the safety checks?
Simply click this button or use one of the available iPads at a Protection and Prevention desks on campus.
If you require additional information or emergency assistance, call 514-848-3717.
Responding to safety checks
When receiving the safety check by text message, simply reply to the text with your current location; i.e. EV 1.404
If you receive an automated voice call, simply press 1 to confirm that you are ok and say your current location when prompted by the system.
The location you provide will be used by security agents to physically check in on you should you miss a check.
If I miss a safety check
If you miss a safety check by text, you will receive an automated voice call on your cell phone. If you miss the voice call, a security agent will be sent to your last recorded location to make sure that you are ok.
If you miss a safety check by call, checkmate will try again. After 3 unanswered calls, a security agent will be sent to your last recorded location to make sure that you are OK.
To stop the safety checks
The safety checks will automatically stop at the time you entered for them to stop. If you want to end them earlier;
- For text message: reply “off” to the most recent safety check text that you received.
- For voice calls: call Campus Safety and Prevention Services to have the safety checks ended.