Course structure
Using the keyword method developed by Raymond Williams, FFAR 248 and FFAR 249 are both divided into modules. Each module explores and troubles a keyword that moves frequently and familiarly in culture. Engaging, Critiquing, Working set us up with methods; keywords such as Home, Care, Failure, the Future, and Information lend us sites of application, and change from term to term.
Each Keywords course pursues a hybrid teaching model: half of our students join remotely via a live Webinar and half attend in-person. Lectures are held on Fridays, and each student enrolls in one of 40 tutorial groups that run throughout the week.

Current course work
Each Keywords course helps students expand their knowledge about art, culture and society, while building toolkits for reading, writing and critiquing, which includes:
- Prepared course content that introduces and models methods of analysis, new works, and familiar pieces with contemporary approaches
- Tutorials that build on course content in an intensive workshop setting that allows students to practice idea-making and expression with peers
- Assignments that offer a variety of engagement options for students, such as collaborative assignments that support work across the disciplines, short assignments that encourage an exploratory approach, and expanded possibilities of composition, including audio and video submissions