Pedagogy training program
Keywords employs approximately twenty graduate students from across the Faculty of Fine Arts to facilitate tutorials and participate in the pedagogy training program.
This program brings in experts from Concordia as well as invited guests, and provides a space for our 20+-person teaching team to learn from each other, troubleshoot, build community, and hone their skills in creative and interdisciplinary workshops and training sessions.
Our pedagogical training program includes professionalization. The teaching team participates in resource-sharing and has the chance to speak as part of an artist/scholar roundtable to a class of ~900 students.
By the end of the year, each Tutorial Leader has not only gained hands-on experience teaching two tutorials of 20+ students per term, they have undergone considerable training, making them equipped to teach a class of their own that is informed by cutting edge pedagogical techniques in the Fine Arts and beyond.
For more information about how to join the Keywords teaching team, contact your department.

Training sessions
- Decolonizing Practices and Thinking about Positionality, Donna Kahérakwas Goodleaf, Centre for Teaching + Learning
- Cultivating Cultural Safety at Concordia, Carole Brazeau, Centre for Teaching + Learning
- Grading and Feedback, Sandra Huber, Keywords Area Head
- Pedagogy Readings and Journaling, Shannon Black, Keywords Scholar-in-Residence
- Navigating Boundaries in the Classroom, Naj Sumar, Centre for Teaching + Learning
Past training sessions
- Teaching on Zoom, April White, Keywords Teaching + Learning Consultant
- Accessible Materials in the Classroom, Pamela Carson, Web Services Librarian, Concordia Library
- Making Group Work Work, Megan Webster, independent education consultant
- Grading and feedback on the Keyword Collaboration, Sandra Huber, Keywords Coordinator
- Navigating Difficult Situations in the Classroom, Molly-Claire Gillett, Keywords Scholar-in-Residence
- AI in the classroom, Megan Fitzgibbons, Instructional Services Coordinator, Concordia Library
- Positionality and Diversity in the Classroom, Maurice Riley-Case, Manager, Black Perspectives Office, Concordia
- Mindfulness in the Classroom, Krystyna Oakman, Project Coordinator, Mindful Campus Initiative, Concordia
- Somatic Writing Practices in the Classroom, Sandrine Schaeffer, interdisciplinary artist and Assistant Professor, Coastal Carolina University
- Grading and Feedback on the Project Proposal + Final Project, Molly-Claire Gillett, Keywords Scholar-in-Residence
- Professional Development Workshop, Megan Webster, independent education consultant
- Resource Sharing and Curating the Year-End Exhibition, Sandra Huber, Keywords Coordinator