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Dental plan

Employees of Concordia university please click here to access Carrefour, the intranet.

Students: Undergraduate and graduate students can learn about the Concordia Student Health Plan through the "Student Care" website.

While the plan covers many services and procedures, there are some exclusions and limitations.

Health & Dental Plan coverage for temporary residents - 21-day travel restriction

If you are a temporary resident holding a work permit please take note of the following travel restriction regulation:

  • If you leave the province of Québec temporarily for a period of more than 21 consecutive days you will no longer be covered under the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) for the duration of your absence, retroactive to the day of your departure. You are obliged to advise the RAMQ of any absence of more than 21 consecutive days.
  • As you are no longer covered under the RAMQ your coverage under the Concordia Health and Dental plans cease for the duration of your absence, retroactive to the day of your departure
  • This regulation applies whether you are travelling on vacation or on university business


Current coverage

Annual deductible None
Preventive services, restorative services, endodontics, periodontics and major surgery reimbursed at: 90%, checkups once every 9 months
Major restorative services reimbursed at: 50%
Orthodontic services reimbursed at (for children under age 19): 50%
Maximum reimbursement
  • $1,750 per covered individual, for all services (except orthodontics) rendered in a benefit year
  • $2,500 per covered individual, for all orthodontic services rendered in a lifetime
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