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Pension & benefits

Employees of Concordia university please click here to access Carrefour (the intranet) for more information.

Inpatriates and non residents must be covered under a provincial health insurance plan or an inpatriate health plan such as the one offered by Sun Life our benefit provider to be eligible to the Concondia’s health plan.

Students: Undergraduate and graduate students can learn about the Concordia Student Health Plan through the "Student Care" website.

In which plans can you and your eligible dependents participate?

That depends on your eligible employee group.

Select your eligible employee group below and begin a quick tour of your benefits.

Please note that information from Collective Agreements or Agreements supersedes information in this guide.

If you are a full-time, permanent employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a full-time employee appointed a contract of 12+ months or have completed five (5) years of continuous employment with the same PI

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a part-time employee (working 20 hours or more per week) appointed a contract of 12+ months or have completed five (5) years of continuous employment with the same PI

You must participate in You may participate in
  • Health Plan, which does not include vision care coverage (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group health plan)
  • Dental Plan (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group dental plan)
  • Paid Sick Leave Plan
  • Long-Term Disability Plan
  • Pension Plan (provided that, in the calendar year before joining the plan, you worked at least 700 hours at Concordia or earned remuneration from the University equal to at least 35% of the YMPE)

If you are a full-time or part-time employee appointed a contract of less than 12 months

You must participate in You may participate in
  • Pension Plan (provided that, in the calendar year before joining the plan, you worked at least 700 hours at Concordia or earned remuneration from the University equal to at least 35% of the YMPE)

If you have less than 30 points or 720 hours (ESL)

You must participate in You may participate in

If you have 30 points or 720 hours (ESL) or more

You must participate in You may participate in

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a full-time, permanent employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a part-time, permanent employee

You must participate in You may participate in
  • Paid Sick Leave Plan
  • Pension Plan (provided that, in the calendar year before joining the plan, you worked at least 700 hours at Concordia or earned remuneration from the University equal to at least 35% of the YMPE)

If you are a full-time, permanent employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a part-time, permanent employee (working 20 hours or more per week)

You must participate in You may participate in
  • Health Plan, which includes vision care coverage (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group health plan)
  • Dental Plan (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group dental plan)
  • Paid Sick Leave Plan
  • Long-Term Disability Plan
  • Pension Plan (provided that, in the calendar year before joining the plan, you worked at least 700 hours at Concordia or earned remuneration from the University equal to at least 35% of the YMPE)

Temporary employees who have completed one (1) year of continuous service at Concordia University are entitled to participate in the Health Care Insurance Plan.

If you are a full-time, contract employee (contract greater than 6 months) or

If you are a part-time, contract employee (working 20 hours or more per week with a contract greater than 6 months)

You must participate in You may participate in

If you have less than 40 credits

You must participate in You may participate in

If you have 40 credits or more

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a full-time, permanent employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a part-time, permanent employee (working 21 hours or more per week)

You must participate in You may participate in
  • Health Plan, which includes vision care coverage (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group health plan)
  • Dental Plan (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group dental plan)
  • Paid Sick Leave Plan
  • Long-Term Disability Plan
  • Pension Plan (provided that, in the calendar year before joining the plan, you worked at least 700 hours at Concordia or earned remuneration from the University equal to at least 35% of the YMPE)

If you are a part-time, permanent employee (working 20 hours)

You must participate in You may participate in
  • Health Plan, which includes vision care coverage (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group health plan)
  • Dental Plan (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group dental plan)
  • Paid Sick Leave Plan
  • Pension Plan (provided that, in the calendar year before joining the plan, you worked at least 700 hours at Concordia or earned remuneration from the University equal to at least 35% of the YMPE)

If you are a contract employee with a contract greater than 6 months

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a full-time, permanent employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a temporary contract employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a full-time, permanent employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a temporary contract employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a full-time, permanent employee

You must participate in You may participate in

If you are a part-time, permanent employee (working 20 hours or more per week)

You must participate in You may participate in
  • Health Plan, which includes vision care coverage (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group health plan)
  • Dental Plan (possibility to opt out of plan if covered under another group dental plan)
  • Paid Sick Leave Plan
  • Long-Term Disability Plan
  • Pension Plan, (provided that, in the calendar year before joining the plan, you worked at least 700 hours at Concordia or earned remuneration from the University equal to at least 35% of the YMPE)

If your contract is for a duration of 5 years or more

You must participate in You may participate in

If your contract is for a duration of 1 year or more but less than 5 years

You must participate in You may participate in

If your contract is for a duration of 1 year or more AND you work full-time (35 hours or more per week)

You must participate in You may participate in

If your contract is for a duration of 1 year or more AND you work part-time (20 hours or more per week)

You must participate in You may participate in
  • Health Plan, which excludes vision care coverage (possibility to opt
    out of plan if covered under another group health plan)
  • Paid Sick Leave Plan
  • Pension Plan (Join the plan on January 1st of the year following
    the calendar year in which you meet one the following qualifications:
    • a minimum of 700 hours; OR
    • renumeration equal to at least 35% of the YMPE)

Pension plan

The Concordia Pension Plan is a worry-free way to save for retirement. It provides benefits that are defined ahead of time based on a set formula using your pensionable earnings and years of credited service.

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