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Office of the Dean

The Office of the Dean team sets priorities for the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS) and manages the faculty in accordance with collective agreements and other university policies.

Our Dean

Pascale Sicotte

Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science

Associate Deans

Christine DeWolf

Vice-Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science

The Vice-Dean focuses on areas of overlap in the portfolios of the Associate Deans and Directors and supports the faculty's Chairs and Principals.

Jill Didur

Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Inclusion

The Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Inclusion oversees the academic personnel portfolio, including matters related to the CUFA (full-time faculty) and CUPFA (part-time faculty) collective agreements.

Selvadurai Dayanandan

Associate Dean, Research and Infrastructure

The Associate Dean, Research and Infrastructure, is responsible for promoting, enhancing and facilitating research through strategic leadership that supports the faculty’s research goals.

They are also responsible for coordinating all aspects of facilities planning and space management in conjunction with the academic departments and units as well as with Facilities Management and the office of the Vice-Provost.

Philippe Caignon

Associate Dean, Student Academic Services

The Associate Dean, Student Academic Services (SAS) leads advising, enrolment, retention and all other administrative tasks concerning the undergraduate students in the faculty, including post-admission transfer credits and advising.

Richard Courtemanche

Associate Dean, Academic Programs

The Associate Dean, Academic Programs oversees all matters related to the development and revision, whether major or minor, undergraduate or graduate, of academic programs for the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Francesca Scala

Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies

The Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies is responsible for promoting, enhancing and facilitating research through strategic leadership that supports the faculty’s research goals.

They also oversee matters related to recruitment, admissions and retention; develop policies and best practices to enrich graduate student experience; develop guidelines for fellowship and award allocation and oversee the adjudication of faculty-wide scholarships and awards in collaboration with the School of Graduate Studies and academic units.

Dean's office

Isabelle Lacelle

Director, Office of the Dean

Ann-Louise Davidson

Strategic Advisor, Innovation

Supports forward-thinking and innovation across the Faculty ecosystem, by creating innovation microprograms, fostering student and faculty member engagement in innovative practices, and cultivating strategic partnerships to advance the Faculty's innovation ecosystem.

Linthuja Nadarajah

Faculty Affairs Officer

Provides administrative leadership and support to the Dean by coordinating dossiers including but not limited to the recruitment, hiring and retention processes for full-time faculty and the search for academic unit heads, and oversees other academic-related activities managed at the level of the Faculty and in association with the Provost Office.

Jennifer Muir

Executive Secretary to the Dean & Vice-Dean

Provides administrative and logistical support to the Dean, Vice-Dean and the Senior Director, Strategic Planning and Faculty Operations.

Administrative units

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