Massive Open Online Courses
Our goal is to provide free, accessible, quality educational resources to people across the globe interested in sustainability
Developed by the Loyola Sustainability Research Centre, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Case studies from around the world
- Expert faculty and distinguished visiting lecturers
- Free, unrestricted access
- Access to an extensive global network of other students and professionals from around the world
- Companion sourcebooks that can serve as textbooks for the courses or as teaching aids for those wanting to include all or part each course into their university curriculum
Wicked Problems, Dynamics Solutions: the Ecosystem Approach and Systems Thinking
In this course, learn how a systems thinking approach can be used to address many of the most complex environmental issues of the day, including climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation and forest degradation, and the collapse of the fisheries.
From Source to Sea to Sustainability: Integrated Cycles in Wastewater and Nutrient Management
In this course, gain a broad understanding of the key actors, drivers, impacts, and challenges involved in wastewater and nutrient pollution, the establishment of satisfactory monitoring systems, the development of funding mechanisms, and the negotiation of policy, and learn how wastewater and nutrient management can be used as a resource with which to pursue greater sustainability and community resilience and ensure the health and integrity of the aquatic ecosystems upon which we depend.