Research stories
See how we tackle the world’s biggest challenges through cutting-edge research and innovative solutions by uniting our diverse expertise.
PhD student, Lachlan MacKinnon, article in Ethnologies
September 23, 2014
Science College celebrates 35th anniversary
September 23, 2014
Montreal British History Seminar
September 18, 2014
SP & GE bldgs. Shutdown of cooling system September 18 from 5am to 12pm
September 16, 2014

Royal Society of Canada honours 5 'dynamic academics'
September 16, 2014

Tips from a PhD grad who’s done it all
September 10, 2014
Julie Perrone Radio-Canada interview
September 9, 2014
Research Chair on Gambling
September 2, 2014
Max Bergholz Book Chapter
August 31, 2014
Sept 9: Hopping around Israel in a quick flight with Duby Tal
August 28, 2014