Research stories
See how we tackle the world’s biggest challenges through cutting-edge research and innovative solutions by uniting our diverse expertise.
Science College celebrates 35th anniversary
September 23, 2014
Montreal British History Seminar
September 18, 2014
SP & GE bldgs. Shutdown of cooling system September 18 from 5am to 12pm
September 16, 2014

Royal Society of Canada honours 5 'dynamic academics'
September 16, 2014

Tips from a PhD grad who’s done it all
September 10, 2014
Julie Perrone Radio-Canada interview
September 9, 2014
Research Chair on Gambling
September 2, 2014
Max Bergholz Book Chapter
August 31, 2014
Sept 9: Hopping around Israel in a quick flight with Duby Tal
August 28, 2014

Why pilgrims flock to the Holy Land
August 26, 2014