Governance and committees
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held each fall to present the annual activities of the SdBI. Annual committee reports are shared on the activities from the previous year and planned activities for the upcoming academic year.
We also announce and share awards and research and scholarly accomplishments at the AGM.
The AGM is a reporting and community-building body, not a decision-making body of the SdBI. All full-time and part-time faculty, staff, fellows, students, affiliate faculty appointments, affiliate scholars and former principals are invited to the AGM.
SdBI Council
The Council is the governing body of the SdBI and meets monthly during the academic year. The Council is responsible for decision-making for the unit, including approving curriculum reform and new programs developed by the Curriculum and Academic Committee.
The Council is also responsible for sustaining the activities of the unit, including:
- events and programming
- strategic planning
- resource distribution and allocation
- positions
- community building
- support around recruitment, retention and attrition.
Meet our committees
Committees coordinate administrative workflow at the SdBI, support staff roles and are responsible for reporting to the SdBI Council.

Curriculum & Academic Committee
The Curriculum and Academic Committee is responsible for curriculum, scheduling and awards for both the Women’s Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality programs.
Events & Outreach Committee
The Events and Outreach Committee is responsible for SdBI event planning, co-sponsorship, support for student events and initiatives, SdBI outreach activities and scholarly events in the unit.
Standing Committee
Standing Committees are regular committees that serve specific tasks outlined by collective agreements, university policies and internal policies and procedures.
Standing Committees report on their activities to the Curriculum and Academic Committee or Events and Outreach Committee.
- Part-time Hiring Committee
- Awards Committee
- Ethics Committee
- Lilian Robinson Scholar
- Esmeralda Thornhill Black Feminist Speaker Series
- SdBI Seminar Series
Roles at SdBI
The Principal
The Principal of the SdBI serves as the Department Chair of the unit and is the representative of the SdBI at Concordia, liaising with both the public and the University’s Administration concerning our daily operations and activities.
Undergraduate Program Director
The Undergraduate Program Director (UPD) oversees and coordinates both the Women’s Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality programs at the SdBI. The UPD is responsible for chairing the Curriculum and Academic Committee.
Practicum Director
The Practicum Director is responsible for academic supervision and evaluation of Practicum and internship placements for SdBI students.