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Postdoctoral fellows

Postdoctoral fellows hold positions in the SdBI or are affiliated through positions in other departments within Concordia University.


Cristina Gallo Garcia

Carolina Gallo Garcia

Banting Postdoctoral fellow (April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2026)

Carolina (she/her) holds a doctoral degree in Social Sciences from Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. Her research focuses on the relationship between neoliberalism and new forms of social organization of work, examined through critical intersectional and transnational feminist lenses. Her doctoral research introduced the concept of “empowerment economies,” a moral economy shaped by the transnational circulation of empowerment narratives aimed at integrating Brazilian women into labor and entrepreneurial markets. Through a multi-sited ethnographic study of a corporate-sponsored nationwide project to train women in entrepreneurship, she analyzed how international organizations and corporate discourses frame women from the Global South as an untapped resource for economic development. Her work reveals how deeply classed and racialized discourses are embedded in neocolonial dynamics that reproduce social inequalities while constructing idealized economically active female citizens.

Current postdoc research

Carolina's postdoctoral research employs an intersectional framework to explore the multifaceted factors influencing the successful civic and economic integration of self-employed and entrepreneurial migrant women. Her work underscores the interconnectedness of racial, ethnic, gender, religious, and class power relations as foundational elements in examining how migrant women navigate opportunities and constraints to build "good" citizenship through entrepreneurial activities in Québec. By considering both micro and macro-social contexts, her research aims to provide insights into how life trajectories are shaped within the framework of economic integration, highlighting the broader implications of different social locations in shaping the experiences of migrant women.

Amélie Keyser-Verrault

Amélie Keyser-Verreault

Postdoctoral fellow (March 1, 2023 - February 28, 2025)

Amélie Keyser-Verreault (she/her) holds a doctoral degree in sociocultural anthropology (Université Laval) and conducts research on body politics and gender with a focus on fat activism, beauty politics, maternity, aging and resistance in East Asia. She has a deep interest in qualitative art-based, decolonial and intersectional methodologies. Her (master’s, doctoral, postdoctoral) research has been funded by SSHRC and the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture.

Current postdoc research

Amélie Keyser-Verreault is currently working on an ethnography of the fat-activism movement in Taiwan. Through in-depth conversations and art-based methodologies, she analyzes the politics of fat oppression in Taiwan, its entanglement with gender politics and the related fat activist movement.


Victoria Doudenkova

Victoria Doudenkova

Postdoctoral fellow (April 1, 2022 - May 31, 2024)

Victoria Doudenkova holds a PhD in bioethics from the Université de Montréal. Her doctoral research explored autonomy-related challenges faced by women affected by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in healthcare and fertility, considering both disease management and a restorative approach to health.

Current postdoc research

Victoria Doudenkova’s postdoctoral research, “Co-construction of a comprehensive and feminist approach to health in Quebec,” aims to co-construct, with various stakeholders and women’s health groups, a framework to better understand health from a comprehensive and feminist perspective. The project is partly funded by MITACS and carried out in partnership with the Réseau québécois d’action pour la santé des femmes.

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