Honorary degree citation - Howard Irwin Ross*
By: Henry F. Hall, May 1965
Mr. Chancellor:
I have the honour to present to you Howard Irwin Ross, worthy son of a distinguished Montreal family. Dr. Ross is no stranger to Sir George Williams. His renowned father, Dr. John W. Ross, was an earnest leader and for several years President of our parent organization, the Montreal YMCA. Howard Ross, himself, was a member of the original corporation of this institution as a University and was a member of our Board of Governors for twenty years until lured away by the chancellorship of a sister institution. His service to the community and, indeed, to the whole country is well known. He is an able and outstanding leader in his own profession of accountancy and management. He is a generous contributor both in leadership and in substance to a wide range of educational and social welfare movements.
In honouring Dr. Ross, we salute our famous and renowned elder sister, McGill University, over which he now presides as the present of a long line of distinguished Chancellors. Therefore, Mr. Chancellor, it is with extraordinary pleasure and pride that I present to you Howard Irwin Ross (on behalf of the University Council and by authority of the Board of Governors) that you may confer on him the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.
* deceased