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Honorary degree citation - Paul Gérin-Lajoie*

By: Robert C. Ray, October 1966

Mr. Chancellor, it is my great privilege to present to you the Honourable Paul Gérin-Lajoie.

A graduate of Le Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, l'Université de Montréal and the University of Oxford, where, as a Rhodes Scholar, he took his doctoral degree. In 1960 he was appointed Minister of Youth in the Government of the Province of Quebec.

Il fit nommer la commission royale d'enquête sur l'enseignement et, après la publication de son premier rapport, il publia lui-même un volume intitulé "Pourquoi le Bill 60." Il entreprit ensuite une tournée provinciale afin de mieux renseigner la population sur les nombreux besoins de la province en matière d'éducation. Au printemps de 1964, il devient Ministre de l'Education.

In 1960, at the time of his appointment as Minister of Youth, it would have required a soothsayer with much more than mortal powers to have predicted the great changes that would occur in the field of education under his remarkable leadership. Concerned, as he was, with the need for sweeping change in the structure and content of education at all levels in this Province, he recognized the essential role that the universities must play in any developments of this nature. He undertook, with the support of the Government, to provide the necessary financial assistance for operational and capital purposes. With the current demand for increased educational opportunities for all he envisioned and exemplified the partnership between government, the community and the universities in the emerging pattern of educational progress. The generous and far sighted support which his government extended to this University and which enabled us to erect this magnificent building, is due to this partnership and his vision.

Sir George Williams University wishes to recognize and pay tribute to a great statesman and an outstanding leader in educational progress.

Monsieur le Chancelier, investi des pouvoirs qui me sont conférés par le Conseil de l'Université et par le Bureau des Gouverneurs, j'ai l'honneur de vous présenter l'Honorable Paul Gérin-Lajoie afin que vous lui confériez le titre de Docteur en Droit, honoris causa.


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