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Studio Arts first year courses

New students are not required to obtain advising prior to registration. Since places in ALL studio courses are extremely competitive, students are strongly urged to begin registering for their courses as soon as possible. Although advising is not required, students wishing to see an academic advisor may contact the Department of Studio Arts.

Major in Ceramics

For the Major in Ceramics, register for these courses.

Term  Course
  • ARTH 264 or ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 cr)
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs)
  • CERA 230 (6 cr)
  • DRAW 200 (6 crs)

6 credits chosen from:

  • SCUL 211 (3 crs) and SCUL 212 (3 crs) or
    FBRS 240 (6 crs) or
    FBRS 260 (6 crs)
  • ARTH 264 or ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)

Major in Fibres & Material Practices

For the Major in Fibres & Material Practices, register for these courses.

Term Course
  • ARTH 266 or ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs)
  • FBRS 240 (6 crs)
  • FBRS 260 (6 crs)
  • ARTH 266 or ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)
Fall and/or Winter

6 credits studio art elective

  • either one full year course or two 3-credit courses in each of the fall and winter terms

Major in Intermedia (Video, Performance, Electronic Arts)

For the Major in Intermedia, register for these courses.

Fall term Course
  • IMCA 220 (3 crs) and any other 200-level IMCA course (3 crs)
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs) 
  • Any two 200-level IMCA courses (2 x 3 crs) and/or SCUL 251 (3 crs) and/or EAST 231 (3 crs)
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs) 
Fall and/or Winter

6 credits studio art elective

  • either one full year course or two 3-credit courses in each of the fall and winter terms

Major in Painting and Drawing

For the Major in Painting and Drawing, register for these courses.

Term Course
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs) 
  • DRAW 200 (6 crs)
  • PTNG 200 (6 crs)
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs) 
Fall and/or Winter

6 credits studio art elective

  • either one full year course or two 3-credit courses in each of the fall and winter terms

Major in Photography

For the Major in Photography, register for these courses.

Term  Course
  • ARTH 267 (3 crs)
  • PHOT 211 (3crs) or studio elective (3cr) or “General Education” elective (3cr)s or “Free” elective (3crs)
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs)
  • PHOT 210 (6 crs)
  • ARTH 359 (3 crs)
  • PHOT 211 (3csr) or studio elective (3cr) or “General Education” elective (3crs) or “Free” elective (3crs)
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)

Major in Print Media

For the Major in Print Media, register for these courses.

Term Course
  • Any two 3 credit 200 level PRIN courses
  • Any 3 credits 200 level PRIN course
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs)
  • Any 3 credit 200 level PRIN course
  • Any 3 credits 200 or 300 level PRIN course
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)
Fall and/or Winter

6 credits studio art elective

  • either one full year course or two 3-credit courses in each of the fall and winter terms

Minor in Print Media

For the Minor in Print Media, register for these courses.

Term Course
  • Any 3 credits 200 level PRIN elective
  • Any 3 credits 200 level PRIN course
  • Any 3 credits 200 level PRIN elective
  • Any 3 credits 200 level PRIN course

Major in Sculpture

For the Major in Sculpture, register for these courses.

Term Course
  • 3 credits SCUL 211
  • Any 3 credits 200 level SCUL course
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs)
  • Any two 3 credit 200 level SCUL courses
  • Any 3 credits 200 level SCUL course
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)
Fall and/or Winter

6 credits studio art elective

  • either one full year course or two 3-credit courses in each of the fall and winter terms

Major in Studio Art

For the Major in Studio Art, register for these courses.

Term Course
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs)
Fall/Winter either two 6-credit courses during Fall/Winter or four 3-credit courses during Fall and Winter terms of any 200-level ARTX, CERA, FBRS, IMCA, PHOT, PRIN, PTNG, SCUL (6 credits total in Fall, 6 credits total in Winter)  
  • ARTH (Art History) or ARTT (Art Theory) elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)

Major in Studio Art

For the Major in Studio Art, register for these courses.

Helpful hint

Download and print your program guide and use it to keep track of your degree requirements.

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