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Cinema first year courses

New students admitted to Cinema are not required to meet with an academic advisor.

Still want to meet with an advisor? Contact Contact the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema.

If you choose to attend an advising appointment, please be sure you have all of your relevant admission documents with you!  Please also note that advising during the months of July and August is limited.


For the Major in Film Animation, register for these courses in your first year. 

Term Course
  • FMAN 203 (3 crs)
  • FMAN 255 (3 crs)
  • FMAN 225 (3 crs)
  • FMST 220 (3 crs) or free elective (3crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3crs)
  • FMAN 204 (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)
  • FMAN 256 (3 crs)
  • FMST 218 (3crs) or free elective (3 crs)
  • Free elective (3 crs)

This adds up to 30 credits completed in your first year.

Students must take FMAN 203, 204, 255, 256 and 225 concurrently in their first year.


For the Major in Film Production, register for these courses in your first year. 

Term Course
Fall term
  • FMST 201 (3 crs) or FMST 203 (3 crs)
  • FMST 220 (3 crs)
  • FMPR 239 (3 crs)
  • FFAR 248 (3crs)
  • FMPR 231 (6 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)
  • FMST elective (3 crs) if one of FMST 201, 202 is being taken during the Fall term
  • One of FMST 222 or FMST 223 (3 crs)
  • free elective (3 crs) 

This adds up to 30 credits completed in your first year.

Students must take FMPR 239, FMPR 231, and FMST 220 concurrently in their first year.


For the Major in Film & Moving Image Studies, register for these courses in your first year. 

Term Course
Fall term
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs)
  • FMST 220 (3 crs)
  • FMST 204 (3 crs)
  • Choose one from: FMST 201 (3 crs), FMST 202 (3 crs) or FMST 203 (3 crs) (these may be taken in any order)
  • free elective (3 crs)
Winter term
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)
  • Choose one from: FMST 201 (3 crs), FMST 202 (3 crs) or FMST 203 (3 crs) (these may be taken in any order)
  • FMST 205 (3 crs)
  • Choose one from: FMST 215 (3 crs), FMST 222 (3 crs) or FMST 223 (3 crs)
  • free elective (3 crs)
This adds up to 30 credits completed in your first year.


For the Minor in Film & Moving Image Studies, register for these courses. 

Term Course
Fall FMST 201 (3 crs), FMST 202 (3 crs), or FMST 203 (3 crs) and/or FMST 220 (3 crs)
Fall/Winter Optional: FMST 200 (6 crs)
Winter Choose 1 or 2 of: FMST 201 (3 crs), FMST 202 (3 crs), FMST 203 (3 crs), FMST 220 (3 crs)


New students are not required to meet with an academic advisor. 

Still want to meet with an advisor? Contact the Department of Art History and the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema.

For the Major in Art History and Film Studies, register for these courses in your first year. 

Term Course
  • FFAR 248 (3 crs)
  • ARTH 201 (3 crs)
  • FMST 201 (3 crs) or FMST 202 (3 crs) or FMST 203 (3 crs) (may be taken in any order)
  • FMST 220 (3 crs)
  • free elective (3 crs)
  • FFAR 249 (3 crs)
  • ARTH 202 (3 crs)
  • FMST choose one from 201, 202, 203, 214, 222, 223 (3 crs)
  • ARTH choose one from 353, 354, 366, 367, 368 (3 crs)
  • free elective (3 crs)
This adds up to 30 credits completed in your first year.

Helpful hint

Download and print your program guide and use it to keep track of your degree requirements.

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