Software availability list
Below is a list of software that is available in our labs. All of the software can be used after logging into the computer except for Adobe CC that requires a separate license and log in. If you require an Adobe CC license from Concordia go to this page.
Common applications
These software packages are available in all our labs.
- AdobeAcrobatProDC
- AdobeAfterEffectsCC2024
- AdobeAnimateCC2024
- AdobeAuditionCC2024
- AdobeBridgeCC2024
- AdobeCharacterAnimatorCC2024
- AdobeDreamweaverCC2021
- AdobeIllustratorCC2024
- AdobeIndesignCC2024
- AdobeLightroomClassicCC2024
- AdobeMediaEncoderCC2024
- AdobePhotoshopCC2024
- AdobePremiereCC2024
- AdobeXDCC2024
- Arduino
- ArduinoIDE
- Atom
- Atom_Package_atom_live_server
- Audacity
- AvidCodecsLE
- BBEdit
- BibDesk
- BlackmagicRAW
- Blender
- Brackets
- Cyberduck
- DCPomatic2
- EpsonICA
- Firefox
- Flux
- Gephi
- GitHubDesktop
- Go
- GoogleChrome
- HandBrake
- iLife11_GarageBand
- iLife11_iMovie
- Inconsolata
- Keynote
- KomodoEdit
- Max8
- Maya2023
- MidiKeys
- MSExcel2019
- MSOneNote2019
- MSOutlook2019
- MSPowerPoint2019
- MSWord2019
- Mudbox2023
- node
- Numbers
- Pages
- Processing4
- ProAppsQTCodecs
- ProVideoFormats
- QuartzComposer
- SFXSearch
- SketchUpMake
- Skype
- Slack
- SourceTree
- Spotify
- SuperCollider
- TextMate2
- TheUnarchiver
- TVP Animation 11 Pro CM
- Twine
- Visual Studio Code
- VueScan
- Zoom
Mac OSX labs
These software packages are available in our labs with Macs only.
- DaVinciResolve18
- Inkscape_arm64
- MeshLab
- Scribus
- Shotcut
- WacomTablet
- Xcode
- DaVinciResolve18
- Inkscape_arm64
- Scratch
- Scribus
- UnityPro2021
- Visual Studio
- Xcode
- XcodeCLI
- ProTools2023
- SecondLifeViewer
- AutodeskEagle
- Fritzing
- FTDIUSBSerialDriver
- KiCad
- Soundplant
- MOTUAudioDriver
- Python3
- RolandUMOneDriver
- TouchDesigner
Dual-boot labs
These software packages are available in our labs with dual-boot machines (Mac and Windows).
- AutodeskFusion360
- AdobeSubstance3DPainter
- Canva
- Eclipse
- EpicGamesLauncher
- ETCnomad
- Figma
- Finale25
- Inform
- Isadora
- Rack
- Rhino 8 (Windows)
- Scratch
- UnityPro2021
- Visual Studio
- WacomTablet
- Xcode
- XcodeCLI
- AutodeskFusion360
- DaVinciResolve18
- Eclipse
- Finale25
- Inform
- Inkscape
- Rhino 8 (Windows)
- Scribus
- Sibelius8
- UnityPro2021
- Vectorworks2023
- Visual Studio
- WacomTablet
- Xcode
- XcodeCLI
- AutodeskFusion360
- Canva
- Finale25
- Liner
- Lobe
- OBSStudio
- Rhino 8 (Windows)
- php
- WacomTablet
- Xcode
- XcodeCLI
AV suites
These software packages are standard in our AV suites
- Ableton Live 11 Suite
- Adobe Acrobat
- AdobeAfterEffectsCC2024
- Adobe Audition CC2024
- Adobe Bridge CC2024
- Adobe Chracter Animator CC2024
- Adobe Illustrator CC2024
- Adobe InDesign CC2024
- Adobe Lightroom Classic
- Adobe Media Encoder CC2024
- Adobe Photoshop CC2024
- Adobe Premiere CC2024
- AIR Music Plug-ins
- Automator
- AVID Plug-ins
- BBEdit
- Blackmagic Proxy Generator
- Blackmagic RAW
- Blender
- Catalyst Browse
- Catalyst Prepare
- CodeMeter
- Cyberduck
- DaVinci Resolve
- Fireface USB
- Firefox
- Freeform
- Garage Band
- Google Chrome
- Handbrake
- iLok License Manager
- Image Capture
- iMovie
- Keynote
- Max
- MetaDigger
- Microsoft Office
- Processing
- Pro Tools
- QuickTime Player
- Reaper
- REDCINE-X Professional
- Safari
- Skype
- Toast 20
- Totalmix
- TVPaint Animation 11 Pro
- TV Paint Converter
- Visual Studio
- Wacom tablet (VS11 only)
- Zoom
AV suite-specific applications
These software packages are available in specific AV suites.
- Amadeus Pro
- Air Control
- Eu Control
- iZotope RX10
- iZotope Ozone
- iZotope Insight
- Logic Pro
- Melodyne
- Pro Tools Ultimate
- SoundToys (AU only)
- WAVES 360 Surround Tools
- Logic Pro
- iZotope RX10
- iZotope Ozone
- Logic Pro
- ffworks
- DaVinci Resolve Studio 18
- Desktop Video