Open access lab EV-5.715
This lab is never booked for classes, so students can finish their projects here. You must be a CDA member to use this space.
What you'll find here
- 26 Apple Intel iMac computers running Mac OS and Windows
- Dozens of software applications
- Flatbed scanners: 8.5” x 11.7” or 12.2” x 17.2”
- Film negative and slide scanner for 35 mm and 4 x 5 medium format size film
- WACOM CINTIQ 27QHD (2560 x1440) The stylus is available in the EV depot.
Adobe CC
You must have your own student licence to use Adobe CC on CDA computers.
Software on open access computers
Common applications
- AdobeAcrobatProDC
- AdobeAfterEffectsCC2024
- AdobeAnimateCC2024
- AdobeAuditionCC2024
- AdobeBridgeCC2024
- AdobeCharacterAnimatorCC2024
- AdobeDreamweaverCC2021
- AdobeIllustratorCC2024
- AdobeIndesignCC2024
- AdobeLightroomClassicCC2024
- AdobeMediaEncoderCC2024
- AdobePhotoshopCC2024
- AdobePremiereCC2024
- AdobeXDCC2024
- Arduino
- ArduinoIDE
- Atom
- Atom_Package_atom_live_server
- Audacity
- AvidCodecsLE
- BBEdit
- BibDesk
- BlackmagicRAW
- Blender
- Brackets
- Cyberduck
- DCPomatic2
- EpsonICA
- Firefox
- Flux
- Gephi
- GitHubDesktop
- Go
- GoogleChrome
- HandBrake
- iLife11_GarageBand
- iLife11_iMovie
- Inconsolata
- Keynote
- KomodoEdit
- Max8
- Maya2023
- MidiKeys
- MSExcel2019
- MSOneNote2019
- MSOutlook2019
- MSPowerPoint2019
- MSWord2019
- Mudbox2023
- node
- Numbers
- Pages
- Processing4
- ProAppsQTCodecs
- ProVideoFormats
- QuartzComposer
- SFXSearch
- SketchUpMake
- Skype
- Slack
- SourceTree
- Spotify
- SuperCollider
- TextMate2
- TheUnarchiver
- TVP Animation 11 Pro CM
- Twine
- Visual Studio Code
- VueScan
- Zoom
Specialized applications
- AutodeskFusion360
- DaVinciResolve18
- Eclipse
- Finale25
- Inform
- Inkscape
- Rhino 8 (Windows)
- Scribus
- Sibelius8
- UnityPro2021
- Vectorworks2023
- Visual Studio
- WacomTablet
- Xcode
- XcodeCLI
CDA accounts and server space
In the Open Access lab, user accounts are deleted every night. For long projects, work from a USB C external drive. You can also back-up files to your CDA server space. You have 10 GB of secure personal space on the Fine Arts Goliath server.
Opening hours
Open Access Lab
Available for study and course work:
Fall Hours:
Monday to Friday 9 a.m to 6.30 p.m
The Open Access Lab will close as of 6:30pm December 20th and will reopen on January 13th at 9am
Reserve an AV suite if you need...
- private working space
- a more powerful computer
- 24/7 access