Working Remotely: Best Practices for Records Management
Teleworking requires specific measures for how information is located, referenced, and stored safely and efficiently.
- Use Concordia’s VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access electronic documents.
- Store electronic documents in safe locations: shared drives, private drives, Sharepoint.
- Use collaborative tools such as shared drives provided by IITS to share documents.
- Use collaborative tools such as Teams and Skype for Business to communicate with colleagues.
- Use only professional email systems.
- Dedicate 30 min. per week to sorting email.
- Securely store confidential paper files.
- Securely destroy confidential paper files.
- Classify documents properly.
- Identify versions of shared documents.
- Do not store documents on a desktop or USB key.
- Do not communicate exclusively by email.
- Do not keep paper files on domestic surfaces such as kitchen tables, etc.
- Do not use free cloud services to share documents: Dropbox, etc.
- Do not create several duplicates of documents.