YMCA of Montreal fonds
P145/01B – Histories
Box HA2104
- Harold C. Cross-photograph. - 1971.
- History-correspondence of Harold C. Cross. - 1939-1957.
- History-correspondence. - 1940-1952.
- Harold Cross-Murray Ross-correspondence re histories. - 1950.
- Special committee on history of Montreal YMCA. - 1949.
- Notes-history and philosophy of the YMCA. - 1949.
- History-notes. - [194-]-[195-].
- Historical data (perhaps useful to some future historian), accumulated by Harold Cross in research re Montreal history. - 1950-1951.
- History of Montreal YMCA-suggested organization of materials. - 1949.
- Manuscript copy, 100 Years of Service to Youth, by Harold C. Cross. - 1951.
Box HA2155
- History of the Montreal YMCA 1851-1951-draft copies of chapters II, IV, V, VI. - 1951.
- Chapter II-first draft. - 1950.
- Chapter 7, Dominion Square Building (One Hundred Years of Service to Youth). - 1951.
- Harold C. Cross history-printers' quotations. - 1951.
- Harold Cross history-book orders. - 1951.
- First Quarter of Second Century of Service to Youth of Montreal, 1951-1976, by F. G. Hubbard.
- First Quarter of Second Century of Service to Youth of Montreal 1951-1976, by Fred G. Hubbard. - 1976.
- First Quarter of Second Century of Service to Youth of Montreal 1951-1976 (masters for re-printing). - 1976.
- The Montreal Young Men's Christian Association as a Religious and
- Social Institution. MA thesis by R. E. G. Davis. - 1927.
- Slides of texts on history of Montreal YMCA, with access copy - textes sur l'histoire du YMCA. - 2002.
- Faits saillants de l'histoire du YMCA de Montréal; condensé historique; capsule history. - 1987.
- Diaporama-Le YMCA-Hier et aujourd`hui. - [197-] or [198-].
- Highlights from the History of the Montreal YMCA/Faits saillants de l'histoire du YMCA de Montréal - 1851-1981. - 1982.
- Montreal YMCA history-timeline 1851-1974. - nd.
- Historical Perspectives, by F. G. Hubbard. Statement to Montreal Staff Conference. September 22,1954. - 1954.
- Brief Outline of the Origin and Development of the YMCA with Special Mention of the History of the Montreal Association. No author. - [1938?].
- YMCA Events-for YMCA News Centennial issue, by Harold Cross. Timeline 1851-1901. - [195-].
- YMCA, Montreal-Timeline 1851-1932. - [193-].
- [Memo re] Historical Sketch of the YMCA of Ontario and Quebec, Memo gleaned from history of the Montreal YMCA, by Alfred Sandham. Nov. 10, 1910. - 1910.
- The Early Beginning of the Young Men's Christian Association in Montreal, Canada. By D. A. Budge. Also related letter C. K. Calhoun to J. H. Crocker. - [191-].
- The Young Men's Christian Association-Its Early History Traced from Reports in the Association Historical Library, New York. - 1899.
- History of the Montreal YMCA … also an Account of … the Work in America, by Alfred Sandham. - 1873.
- Historical Sketch of the Young Men's Christian Association of the City of Montreal. - 1901.
- When Was the Montreal YMCA Organized? - [1950?].
- Some Beginnings in Young Men's Christian Association Work … and covering letter F. E. Burgess to D. A. Budge. - 1913.
- Montreal Association History Notes (1851-1858). - nd.
- Account of the Origin of the Montreal Association. Letter from T. James Claxton to H. S. Ninde. 2 pp. - 1893.
- [Notes Gleaned from] Montreal Witness Weekly Review and Family Newspaper 1851-1872. - nd.
- 1851-1926-Some Notable Contributions of the Young Men's Christian Association of Montreal during Seventy-Five Years of Service. - 1926.
- Rotary Club speech on YMCA history [no author]. - 1976.
- Summary Historical Statement/résumé historique, by Centennial/Expo Project Committee. - 1966.
- On this Date-reminiscences of the YMCA in the 1880s and later, by Fred Williams. - [194-].
- Details … of the founding of the Montreal YMCA by my father, by T. James Claxton. Letter to G. W. Birks. - 1944.
- Personal reminiscences of YMCA 1868-1874, by Rev. Ernest Taylor. Letter to J. W. Beaton. With related memo, Harold Cross to Les Copland. - 1938, 1970.
- Historical materials donated by Rev. Ernest Taylor. - 1939 [1872-1893].
- Covering letter to General Secretary, invitation to mission committee social meeting (November 29, 1872); invitation to social meeting with guest speaker (September 16, 1873); invitation to social gathering of Sailor's Tract Distributors and other workers (April 24, 1873); invitation to laying of corner stone of St. Catherine St. Baptist Church (June 13, 1874); letter to E. M. Taylor from T. James Claxton regarding payment to Taylor of $25; notice of a meeting of the General Committee (November 9, 1874); notice of a meeting of the General Committee and the Mission Committee (November 23, 1874); pledge card (nd); As Plain as A B C ! invitation to meeting (nd); letter Wm. Drysdale to E. M. Taylor (February 5, 1875); letter D. A. Budge to E. M. Taylor (May 12, 1875); photocopy of deed of Sale (June 25, 1892); photocopied documents re St. Simon's Church Building Fund (1893).
- Timeline: History of East End work of the YMCA, 1906-1933, with related letter J. W. Beaton to W. E. Cushing. - 1928.
- The Montreal YMCA-1870-1890, by David McCorkill. - 1980.
- The welfare and missionary aspect of the Montreal YMCA, 1851-1900, by David McCorkill. - 1981.
Box HA2991
- YMCA: 135 ans d'histoire. La Presse. - 1979.