YMCA of Montreal fonds
P145/12B01 – General administration
Box HA2323
- KK History. - 1951.
- Kanawana Reminiscence (of 1948), by Ben T. Hannah. - 1989.
- YMCA Kamp Kanawana Facts-timeline 1894-1998. - [1998?}.
Box HA2412
Kanawana Committee, Board of Management meetings, planning
- 4 microfiches Bearing Title: Junior Camp Opening Roster (1910-1917)
- Report of Junior Camp. - 1909.
- Special Junior Camp Committee minutes. - 1910.
- Montreal All-Boys' Camp Committee, Junior Camp Committee minutes, corrrespondence. - 1910-1917.
- Report on visit to Kamp Kanawana. - June 23, 1911.
- Report of Junior Camp. - 1911.
- Kamp Kanawana: Report of First Year of Camp. - 1910.
- Plus other reports.
- 4 microfiches bearing title Junior Camp Opening Roster. - 1918-1922.
- Note: The title on this set of microfiches is incorrect. The actual dates are 1916-1923.
- Report of Junior Camp Season, financial reports, correspondence. - 1917-1922.
- Kamp Kanawana Committee minutes, Junior Camp Committee minutes, also corresondence, financial reports. - 1918-1922.
- Report of Kamp Kanawana for Season 1918. - 1918.
- Final instructions to Kampers. - 1918.
- Boys Camp attendance roster. - 1918.
- Inventories. - nd.
- Report of Kamp Kanawana-Season 1919. - 1919.
- Kamp Kanawana. - 1920.
- Annual Report-Kamp Kanawana. Season 1921.
- Instructions to campers. - nd.
- Other reports. - nd.
- 6 microfiches bearing title Junior Camp Opening Roster. - 1924-1939.
- 4 microfiches bearing title Junior Camp Opening Roster. - 1935-1942.
- 3 microfiches bearing title Permanent Camp Committee. - 1911-1926.
Box HA2323
Kanawana Committee, Board of Management meetings, planning (cont'd)
- Kamp Kanawana Committee. - 1910-1917.
- In scrapbook form. Season reports of the Junior Camp (Camp Jubilee/Otoreke) and of Kamp Kanawana; reports/minutes of Special Committee in charge of the proposed New Camp for Boys; reports/minutes of the Special Junior Camp Committee; reports/minutes of the All Montreal Boys' Camp Committee; agendas; budgets and financial reports; reports of trips and visits to Kamp Kanawana; lists of campers; correspondence; publicity; other documents.
- Kamp Kanawana Committee. - 1918-1923.In scrapbook form.
- Kamp Kanawana Committee. - 1923-1939.In scrapbook form.
- Kamp Kanawana Committee. - 1935-1938.
- Kamp Kanawana Board of Management. - 1939.
- Kamp Kanawana Board of Management. - 1940-1942.
Box HA1883
Kanawana Committee, Board of Management meetings, planning (continued)
- Poll re municipal loan. - 1929.
- Camp Executive Committee and Board of Management minutes. - 1946.
- Proposed wildlife sanctuary, bird and game sanctuary. - 1847, 1954-1960.
- Use of Modernization Project Materials at K. K. - 1956.
- Executive Committee. - 1957.
- Kamp Kanawana. Oct. 26, 1957. - 1957.
- Camp Committee. - 1958.
- Kamp Kanawana Annual Kommittee Konference. - 1961
- Three-Way Enterprize Co.-land for sale. - 1964.
- Kanawana Committee planning. - 1966-1967.
- Committee meeting. - 1966.
- Committee report to Metropolitan Board of Directors. - 1967.
- Kamp Kanawana Committee meetings. - 1968-1969.
- Kamp Kanawana conference. - 1968.
- Kanawana Committee meetings, reports. - 1969.
- Co-ed camping pilot project. - 1968.
- Camp office in downtown building. - 1968.
- Report on Kamp Kanawana by Ross Bannerman. - 1969.
- Director's report. May 1969. - 1969.
- Proposed French camp. - 1969.
- Working paper on year-round use. - 1969.
- Planning flow charts. - 1969-1970.
- Waterfront Committee. - 1970-1971.
- Kamp Kanawana Ten-Year Summary and organization chart. - 1970.
- Director's recommendations for Board and Committee action. - 1970.
- Clearance items. - 1971.
- Alumni, fund-raising. - 1971.
- Ten-year summaries-1963-1972/1970-1979. - 1972-1979.
- Director's position. - 1973, 1975.
- K. K. Committee meetings. - 1973.
- Committee minutes. - 1975.
- Possible conference facilities at Kanawana. - 1976.
- Board of Management members. - 1977-1980.
- Kanawana Committee/Board of Management. - 1978-1980.
- Possible purchase of campsite in Mansonville. - 1978.
- Perspectives of the Kamp Kanawana situation. - 1978.
- Board of Management. - 1979.
- Committee meetings. - 1979.
- Kanawana planning. - 1979.
- Situation report. - 1980.
- Committee minutes. - 1980.
- Kanawana '83-flow chart-pre-camp. - 1983.
- C[anadian] C[amping] A[ssociation] survey-Kamp Kanawana data. - 1983.
- Canadian Camping Association membership sign. - 1980.
- Association des Camps du Québec-affiches. - 1977-1981.
- Camper weeks-end of year, '78-'83. - 1983.
- Report: Kanawana, a Place to Grow: A Proposal for the Future of Kanawana, by Kanawana Camping Task Force. - 1988.Notes:1) Some season reports are included in the Committee materials listed immediately above.2) Several of the season reports include personnel job evaluations which give personal data. Access is restricted.
Directors' and section leaders' camping season reports
- Season reports. - 1922.
- Season reports. - 1925.
- 1926 camping season statistics, recommendations. - 1926.
- Season reports. - 1927.
- [Comparative] Statistical Report [for the Year 1929]. - 1929.
- Season reports. - 1930.
- Season reports. - 1931.
- Report of the Season. - 1933.
- Annual Season Report. - 1934.
- Annual Season Report. - 1935.
- Reports. - 1936.
- Camping season reports. - 1937.
- Camping season reports. - 1939.
- Reports. - 1940.
- Season reports. - 1941.
- Camping Season Reports. - 1942.
- Camping Season Reports. - 1943.
- Camping season reports. - 1944.
- Season reports. - 1945.
- Season reports. - 1946.
- Annual Report. - 1950.
- Annual Report. - 1958.
- Season report. - 1959.
- Season report. - 1960.
- Seven-year summary 1955-1961. - 1961.
- 68th Annual Report. - 1962.
- Section directors' report outlines. - 1963.
- Accident reports. - 1963-1982.
Box HA2146
Camping season: directors' reports, section reports (continued)
- Annual Report. - 1964.
- Annual Report. - 1965.
- Annual Report. - 1966.
- Season reports. - 1966.
- Section Director report outline. - 1967.
- Annual Report. - 1969.
- Director's Annual Report. - 1970.
- Director's Annual Report. - 1971.
- Director's Report, Section Reports. - 1973.
- Camp Director's Report. - 1974
- Section reports. - 1974.
- Ten-year summary-1963-1974. - 1974.
- Director's Report. - 1975.
- Staff reports. - 1976.
- Director's Report. - 1976.
- Director's Report. - 1977.
- Director's Annual Report. - 1978.
- Camp Director's Report. - 1979.
- Ten-year summary-campers-1970-1979. - 1979.
- Director's Report. - 1987.
Camp directors' correspondence and administrative documents
- Staff evaluation form, parents' form. - [1932?].
- Correspondence, reports, forms. - 1935-1943.
- Kamp Kanawana scrap book. - 1935.
- Kamp Kanawana scrap book. - 1936.
- Kamp Kanawana scrap book. - 1937.
Box HA2054
Camp directors' correspondence and administrative documents (cont'd)
- Kamp Kanawana scrap book. - 1938.
- Kanawana minutes, etc. - 1942.
- Office routine. - [1943?], 1945, 1948.
- Planning schedule, opening schedule, closing camp. - 1943.
- K.K. Correspondence. - 1944.
- Polio (infantile paralysis)-correspondence. - 1946.
- Lac Becsie reservations. - 1959.
- Staff boating notice. - nd.
- Business administration procedure. - 1960.
- Letter from Judge C. L. De Martigny. - 1963.
- Includes photocopy of 1916 letter.
- Closing procedure. - 1965.
- Correspondence. - 1966.
- Payroll memo. - 1967.
- Memo to staff re closing procedure. - 1967, 1968.
- Forms and form letters. - 1971-1978.
- Forms and form letters. - 1979-1984.
- Office files. - 1973.
- Report on drug use. - 1974.
- Government inspections, permits. - 1975-1980.
- Toronto winter program staffing. - 1976.
- Camp director Dave Twynam-correspondence. - 1979
- Permis-Ministère des Affaires Sociales. - 1980.
- Director's correspondence. - 1981.
- General correspondence: camper, parents, staff. - 1982-1983.
- Task force-International Year of Youth. - 1983.
Resource materials
- How to Design, Conduct and Evaluate a Training Program. - 1959.
- First aid notes. - [1990?].