Vol. XXI (Anniversary, combined)

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Publisher's Note-Note de l'éditrice
Sandra Paikowsky
- Le Père François-Xavier Duplessis et l'imagerie du Calvaire d'Arras en Nouvelle France (1738–1745)
Denis Martin
- Autour du tableau : Trois chefs montagnais et Peter McLeod Peint par Théophile Hamel en 1848
Jean Trudel
- Identifying a Long- (and Still) Lost Early Paul Kane Painting, and Attributing a Related Work to Robert C. Todd
Dennis Reid
- Between a Hard Edge and a Soft Curve: Modernism in Canadian Photography
Ann Thomas
- Sampson-Matthews and the NGC: The Post-War Years
Joyce Zemans
- Anthem Lip-Sync
John O'Brian
- Late Style in the Work of Gerald Ferguson
Diana Nemiroff