Vol. 37:1

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$35.00 CA
$40.00 US
Martha Langford
- Between Rocks and Hard Places: Indigenous Lands, Settler Art Histories, and the ‘Battle for the Woodlands’
Ruth B. Phillips - Sounding Nation: Audio Guides and Myths of Participation at the National Gallery of Canada’s Centennial Exhibit
May Chew
- Making Peace: David A. Neel’s Life on the 18th Hole
Carolyn Butler-Palmer
Reviews-Comptes rendus
- Roslyn Rosenfeld, Lucy Jarvis: Even Stones Have Life
Kirk Niergarth - Communal Spaces: Emerging Through the Fog into a New Place for Northwest Coast Arts
India R. Young - Sébastien Hudon, Jean Soucy, peintre clandestin
Esther Trépanier
Vol. 37:2 / 38:1

To purchase a copy of this volume please contact the Journal.
Pour acheter une copie de ce volume s'il vous plaît contactez nous.
$35.00 CA
$40.00 US
Martha Langford
- Painting through the Camera’s Lens: The Photograph as Source in the Work of William Sawyer
Kathleen Cummings
- “Another Possible Community”: Paraskeva Clark’s Self-Portraits as Counter-Discourse
Michelle Gewurtz
- De l’agentivit. autochtone dans la photographie gouvernementale. Les Cris de la baie James et la réserve de castors de Mistassini en 1950
Samuel Gaudreau-Lalande
- From Automatisme to Automation: On Jean-Paul Mousseau’s 1962 Lumino-Kinetic Mural for Hydro-Québec
Nicola Pezolet
- No Place Like Home: Comparing Displays of Alex Colville, His Life and Work
Leanne Gaudet and Andrea Terry
- General Idea’s New York
Steve Lyons