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Publisher's Note-Note de l'éditrice
Sandra Paikowsky
- Architecture of the Spirit: Modernism in 1950s and 1960s Fredericton
John Leroux
- Moncrieff Williamson, Maritime Regionalism, and the Dream of a National Craft Museum
Sandra Alfoldy
- La réception critique de Marc-Aurèle Fortin : Entre les méandres du nationalisme et la construction de la figure de l'artiste maudit
Esther Trépanier
Reviews-Comptes rendus
- Jim Burant, Drawing on the Land: The New World Travel Diaries and Watercolours of Millicent Mary Chaplin, 1838–1842
Gilbert Gignac
- K.A. Finlay (ed.), "A Woman's Place": Art and the Role of Women in the Cultural Formation of Victoria, BC 1850s–1920s
Janice Helland
- Jeffrey D. Brison, Rockefeller, Carnegie & Canada: American Philanthropy and the Arts & Letters in Canada
Erin Morton
- Sous la direction de France Chonière et Michèle Thériault, Point & Shoot: Performance et photographie
Marie-Pierre Boucher