Teachers in schools or districts wishing to use the LTK+ educational software must receive proper pedagogical training including follow-up support.
Technical support
Before training and classroom use occur, proper installation and testing of LTK+ software must be undertaken.
Pedagogical support
Following approval of the LTK+ User Agreement, arrangements can be made with the LTK+ team for professional development. This is subject to the availability of LTK+ staff. Fees can be waived if there is external project funding.
- A full day "canned" presentation with no preparation and some materials will cost $500.
- A half day "canned" presentation with no preparation and some materials will cost $300.
Travel costs include airfare, ground costs, accommodations, meals, etc.
- A full-day travel time (round-trip) will cost $300.
- A half-day travel time (round trip) will cost $200.
Special presentations
Special materials and supplies, beyond the "canned" presentation are available. Contact for estimate.
- A full day special presentation will cost $300.
- A half day special presentation will cost $200.
Ongoing maintenance
In the absence of external funding, fees may be charged for ongoing maintenance of the LTK+, including customization, curriculum matching, and technical upgrades.