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Arts and Science advising

Advising for newly admitted undergraduate students

Welcome new students!

Once you have accepted your offer of admission, and paid the confirmation fee, you will be able to register into both program and elective courses. Please start your registration process as soon as possible. Students are also encouraged to attend a FAS Touchstone virtual advising session. At this advising session, you will receive general advising and degree information.

Your program may also have a list of suggested first-year courses, known as a course sequence. To consult your program's recommended course sequence, see the Next steps column or check your department's web page. If your program does not have a recommended course sequence, learn which courses you need to earn your degree by consulting the undergraduate calendar or your academic requirements report.

Undergraduate department contacts

Department Next steps Contact: 514-848-2424
Applied Human Sciences New student information Extension: 3330
Arts and Science (Certificate)   Extension: 2104
Biology   Extension: 3400
Chemistry and Biochemistry See advising information Extension: 3366
Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics See welcome email Extension: 2300
Communication Studies Advising and sample course sequencing information Extension: 5055
Economics Course sequencing information Extension: 5862
Education   ECEE, Child Studies, ADED
Extension: 2029

Extension: 2031
English Program checklists:
Creative writing
English literature
Extension: 2340
Études Françaises
(French Studies)
  Poste: 7500
Geography, Planning, and Environment See registration instructions Extension: 2050
Health, Kinesiology, and Applied Physiology
(Exercise Science)
Read academic advising documents Extension: 2629
History See the advising guide Extension: 2435
Journalism See welcome email Extension: 5054
Liberal Arts College   Extension: 2565
Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability Contact Department Extension: 2125
Mathematics and Statistics See sample course schedules Extension: 3223
Philosophy   Extension: 2500
Physics See suggested course sequence Extension: 5167
Political Science See course selection guidelines Extension: 5220
Psychology Academic monitoring forms
Consult our webpage (out-of-province students)
Extension: 2222 (NSO sign-up) (advising)
Religions and Cultures Advising information Extension: 2065
School of Irish Studies Contact Department Extension: 8711
School of Community and Public Affairs   Extension: 2579
Science College   Extension: 2595
Science Foundations (Certificate)   Extension: 2104
Simone de Beauvoir Institute and Women’s Studies See recommended course plans Women's Studies
Extension: 2370

Sexuality Studies
Extension: 2373
Sociology and Anthropology See recommended course plans Extension: 2140
Theological Studies   Extension: 2475

General information

  • Course prerequisites
    The registration system will not permit you to register for a course that has a prerequisite if you have not completed that prerequisite. If a course has “permission of the Department” as a prerequisite, you must obtain authorization from the department offering that course to register for the course.
  • Course entry restrictions
    Many courses in the Faculty of Arts & Science are reserved, in whole or in part, to students enrolled in the specific programs of the department offering the program and are not available as elective courses to non-program students. Please look at class capacity to see if the course has reserved seats (class schedule, click on the “section” to open a new page that has capacity information). If you see students on the wait list, and you are in the program that requires the course, that is an indicator to you that the course has reserved seats.
  • Course load
    The normal fall/winter course load for full-time students is 12–15 credits per term. Full-time students who wish to take a course overload (i.e., more than 12 credits) in the summer term must receive permission from their academic adviser and Student Academic Services in the Faculty of Arts & Science. To obtain permission, please fill in a Student Request form. Students must have at least 24 Concordia credits on record with a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.00.
  • General Education requirement and 24-credit rule
    Students in the Faculty of Arts & Science are required to satisfy the General Education requirement and 24-credit rule. For more information regarding these degree requirement, students should contact their department advisor, or an advisor in Student Academic Services (514-848-2424, ext. 2104). Detailed information can also be obtained by consulting Section 31.004 of the Undergraduate Calendar for the year in which you were admitted to a degree in Arts and Science.
  • Elective Group
    Elective Groups are a group of courses focused on a given theme and are a great way to satisfy your elective component of your degree. Elective Groups allow you to take your electives in a more structured and meaningful way. An Elective Group can be used to partially satisfy the Arts and Science requirement of 24 credits outside your program. For more information, telephone 514-848-2424, ext. 2104 or see Elective Groups.

Graduate student advising

Graduate advising information varies depending on program. For an overview of academic advising and suggested contacts by program:

 » See Academic Advising under the Graduate tab in the Registration guide.

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