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Campus Safety and Prevention Services

Formerly known as Campus Security and Emergency Services

Campus Safety and Prevention Services

Formerly known as Campus Security and Emergency Services

Travel emergencies

What to do during a travel emergency

In the event of an emergency or if you require assistance during your work or study travel:

  • Call Campus Safety and Prevention Services at 514-848-3717.
  • Campus safety dispatchers will take your contact number and nature of the situation and someone from emergency management will return your call.
  • We can help you locate an appropriate health care facility, connect you with our emergency travel assistance services, provide emergency funds or communicate with the nearest embassy or consulate.

How to prepare for a travel emergency

Emergencies can happen anywhere at any time but can be significantly worst if you are alone in a foreign country.

We take certain things for granted at home but the reality can be significantly different in other parts of the world. Not all health care facilities are up to standards and not all emergency services are recommended.

Being prepared is especially important when you are outside of your normal environment and far from your family and friends.

Take the time to research your destinations and have a plan of what you will do if an emergency occurs. If you are unsure on where that information can be found, you may contact the office of Emergency Management at and we will be happy to orient you.

If you are travelling for study or work purposes, make sure to register for the University Travel Registry available to all staff, students and faculty members in My CU account in Carrefour or the Student Hub. This will allow Emergency Management personnel to reach out to you in case of an emergency in your area.

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