Administration & governance
Concordia University is led by its president, provost and vice-presidents. The administration is overseen by the Board of Governors and its highest academic body, the Senate.
Graham Carr
President & Vice-Chancellor
Office of the President & Vice-Chancellor | View the president's biography
Anne Whitelaw
Provost & Vice-President, Academic
Office of the Provost & VP, Academic
Nadia Hardy
Deputy Provost and Vice-Provost, Enrolment and Student Experience
Office of the Provost & VP, Academic
Tim Evans
Vice-President, Research, Innovation and Impact
Office of the VP, Research, Innovation and Impact | View the vice-president's biography
Paul Chesser
Vice-President, Advancement
Office of the VP, Advancement | View the vice-president's biography
Frederica Jacobs
Secretary-General and General Counsel
University Secretariat | Legal Services
Michael Di Grappa
Vice-President, Services and Sustainability
Office of the VP, Services and Sustainability | View the vice-president's biography
Denis Cossette
Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Financial Officer | View the chief financial officer's biography
Philippe Beauregard
Chief Communications Officer
Office of the Chief Communications Officer | View the chief communications officer's biography
William Cheaib
Chief of Staff
Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor
Pascal Lebel
Executive Director, Government Relations
Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor
Amy Buckland
University Librarian
Anne-Marie Croteau
Dean, John Molson School of Business
Pascale Sicotte
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science
Mourad Debbabi
Dean, Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science
Annie Gérin
Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts
Faye Diamantoudi
Dean, Graduate Studies
University Governance
Board of Governors
In accordance with the Charter of Concordia University, the university’s highest governing body is the Board of Governors, which has final authority over the affairs of the university.
As set out in the By-Laws of Concordia University, the university’s highest academic governing body is Senate, which derives its authority from the Board of Governors.
Board and Senate Administration
The Board and Senate Administration supports the work of the Board of Governors, Senate and their respective standing committees.
University policies
Policies adopted by Senate or the Board of Governors, as well as other university-wide policies, are posted on the Official Policies pages.
Publications and reports
To learn more about Concordia, download our latest publications and reports or subscribe to our e-Newsletters on our Publications and reports page.