Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality Program
The Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality major and minor attracts a rapidly growing student body that takes courses across departments in both the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Faculty of Fine Arts.
"This program has given me both theoretical and practical tools to engage meaningfully with the communities I’m part of and made me consider how we can increase our reach while making sure our work and academic pursuits respond to local priorities. I hope to become an engaged scholar and community organizer whose work reflects the values of reciprocity and social justice."
- Ana M.
Prospective students
Why choose Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality?
In a world where our ideas about sexuality are being contested and transformed, an interdisciplinary academic approach to the study of sexuality anchors your learning in historical frameworks, critical theoretical approaches and experiential learning.

Academic and program advising
All newly admitted students must attend a Touchstone presentation before they can register for courses. This should be done as soon as possible.
Returning students can make appointments with their program advisor to get more information about their program, if they are unsure of what courses to take, or want to make sure they are on the right track.

Undergraduate Calendar and Program Guides
Undergraduate Calendar
Program Guides
Select the program guide corresponding to the first semester you enrolled in the major or minor program.
Practicum: SSDB 426
(3 credits)
- The following course must be completed previously: SSDB 425
- 60 university credits
- Enrolment in the Major in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality
- Permission of the Institute
This course offers a 100-hour field experience over the course of one semester. The course involves a fieldwork project.
Independent study: SSDB 428
(3 credits)
- 60 university credits
- enrolment in the Major or Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality
- permission of the Institute
Conduct research and do reading in an area of interest under the supervision of a faculty member specialized in sexuality.
- Find a supervisor by approaching faculty members who have expertise in the area(s) of interest for the student. Students can search for faculty at Concordia based on research interests or consult with the Program Director for assistance.
- Once a supervisor is found, complete the Independent Study Form, available in PDF or Word and submit it to the Program Director.
- Contact the student advisor to request permission to enroll.
Examples of independent study projects
- Research paper
- Producing a podcast, vlog, or documentary film
- Public outreach workshops and events
Student project sample
- S. Hanson’s podcast on Mutual Aid (2021)
Links and resources
Library Resources
Faculty teaching Sexuality Studies
Nathalie Batraville
- Associate Professor, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
Research areas: Black feminist theory and praxis Queer of color critique Prison abolition Decolonization -
Rachel Berger
- Associate Professor, History
- Associate Dean, Academic Programs and Development , School of Graduate Studies
Research areas: South Asian history, food history, Colonialism/Imperialism, health histories, history of the body, Queer studies in Canada -
Danielle Bobker
- Professor, English
- Fellow, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
Research areas: 17th & 18thC literature & culture, critical humour studies, gender & sexuality studies, pedagogy -
Carly Daniel-Hughes
- Professor, Religions and Cultures
Research areas: Women, Gender and Sexuality in Religious Studies; Queer Theory and Cultural Studies; Feminist Theory; History of Christianity; Early Christianity; Roman Empire -
Stefanie Duguay
- Associate Professor, Communication Studies
- Concordia University Research Chair
Research areas: Digital media, gender and sexuality, networked publics, digital research methods, social media, digital platforms and governance, science and technology studies, app studies, identity -
Gilbert Émond
- Associate Professor, Applied Human Sciences
Research areas: HIV Prevention, Homophobia, Discrimination in health care access -
Marcie Frank
- Professor, English
Research areas: Restoration & 18th century British literature / drama / the novel / literary criticism / 20th century American popular culture / media theory -
Martin A. French
- Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Research areas: Risk, Surveillance, Privacy and Social Justice -
Cael Marcas Keegan
- Associate Professor, Fine Arts
Research areas: transgender and queer phenomenologies, transgender and queer theories, queer/trans moving images, LGBTQ+ media histories, LGBTQ+ cultural production, gender and sex on screen, popular cinemas, genre, cultural studies, affect, video games -
Natalie Kouri-Towe
- Program and Practicum Director, Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
- Associate Professor, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
Research areas: gender, race, sexuality, social movements, solidarity, transnational feminism, queer theory, masculinities, securitization, war, gender-based violence, refugees and migration, affect studies, digital media, gender & sexuality pedagogy and curriculum -
Marc Lafrance
- Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Research areas: Self, Body, Gender, Sexuality, Popular Media, Cultural Theory -
Krista Lynes
- Professor, Communication Studies
- Canada Research Chair in Feminist Media Studies
- Director, Feminist Media Studio
Research areas: feminist media studies; contemporary art and activism; queer theory; migration studies; globalization; border theory; feminist STS; infrastructure studies; critical race studies; affect; research-creation; environmental humanities -
Kimberley Manning
- Professor, Political Science
Research areas: Gender and politics in Maoist China; Parents of Trans Youth and their Families; and Feminist Leadership and Institutional Transformation -
Aaron McIntosh
- Associate Professor, Fibres & Material Practices, Studio Arts
Viviane Namaste
- Full Professor , Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
John Potvin
- Professor, Art History
- Member, Centre for Sensory Studies
Research areas: Design History; Orientalism in Design & Art; Visual & Material Cultures of Masculinity; Modernism in Art, Design & Fashion; History of Interior Design; Fashion Studies; Gender & Sexuality; Psychoanalysis; Phenomenology; Body Studies & the Senses -
Geneviève Rail
- Distinguished Professor Emerita, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
Research areas: Feminist Cultural Studies of Health -
Amy Swiffen
- Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Research areas: Sociolegal Studies, Social and Political Theory, Constitutional Law, Aboriginal Law, Criminology -
Anne Whitelaw
- Provost and Vice-President, Academic
- Professor, Art History
Research areas: Visual and material cultures of Canada; history and theory of art institutions; theories of exhibition; historiography; women and museums; settler-colonial art history