Evacuation for persons with reduced mobility
In an emergency evacuation, anyone who is unable to ascend or descend a flight of stairs without considerable effort or who may slow other occupants that are attempting to evacuate is considered mobility impaired.
In most cases, there is no immediate danger during a fire alarm and evacuation. To avoid unnecessary risk and possible injury, it is safer for a mobility-impaired person to remain near an emergency exit instead of attempting to descend several flights of stairs.
Concordia's emergency responders and security agents are trained to stay with mobility-impaired individuals, preferably near an emergency stairwell. Evacuation via stairwell or elevator occurs only if deemed necessary.
During a fire alarm:
1. If you have reduced mobility or are a CERT member assisting someone: Head to the nearest identified emergency stairwell; avoid elevators or escalators.
2. Await assistance from emergency responders, Campus Safety, or volunteers.
3. Contact Campus Safety and Prevention Services at 514-848-3717 or use an emergency phone near the stairwell to alert them to your locatin.
4. In the presence of smoke or danger, move inside the stairwell and ensure the door is closed; most stairwells are pressurized with fire-resistant doors.
If it becomes necessary to evacuate:
- Communicate your need to evacuate with first responders and maintain communication.
- The building elevator or a specially designed Evac-Chair may be used.
- Security agents and CERT members are trained in Evac-Chair use to ensure your safety.
- Using a standard wheelchair or carrying someone is not recommended
Be prepared:
- Watch the Evac-Chair promotional video to see how the chair functions.
- Register for on-site training on emergency procedures, Evac-Chair usage, and using firefighter phones for individuals with reduced mobility.