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Cours et ateliers

Concordia favorise la formation continue des membres du personnel et du corps professoral en offrant un vaste choix de cours de perfectionnement professionnel.

En plus des ateliers et des cours auxquels vous pouvez accéder par l’intermédiaire des Ressources humaines et d’autres services de l’Université, de nombreuses occasions d’apprentissage et de perfectionnement sont offertes. Découvrez ci-après ce que Concordia a à offrir.

Activités de formation proposées par les RH

Le Service des ressources humaines offre aux membres du personnel diverses possibilités d’élargir leurs connaissances et leurs compétences tout au long de leur carrière à Concordia. Tous les ateliers et les cours favorisent la croissance professionnelle et personnelle des gestionnaires et des membres du personnel de l’Université.

Découvrez les cours offerts en vous rendant sur la page de Carrefour décrivant les cours parrainés par les RH (ouverture de session obligatoire).

Additional Workshop and course options

Campus Safety and Prevention Services are committed to promoting preparedness, and offer several training programs designed to better prepare individuals to deal with emergency situations both at home and in the workplace. Find out more about available training opportunities.

In November of 2014, Concordia launched a new Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) primarily used by faculty members who teach courses. The CTL offers a broad range of services to both full-time and part-time faculty as well as graduate students, teaching assistants and staff, including workshops on blended learning and teaching technologies, one-on-one consultations, new faculty orientations and seminars in university teaching. Professional development services at a personal and departmental level are also available on demand. For more information please visit the CTL’s Carrefour page [login required].

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers free seminars addressing a variety of issues in order to help employees attain a better quality of life. For more information regarding EAP upcoming seminars and to register, please visit the EAP Carrefour page. [login required]

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) provides free safety training to anyone with a valid Concordia ID. For more information about safety related training offerings, and to register, please visit the Safety Training web page.

The Equity Office develops and delivers educational opportunities on raising equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility awareness, and the application of these approaches within the campus community. Their trainings also focus on dispelling misconceptions about how biases, discrimination, and power and privilege work in university settings. View the list of Equity Office events.

Concordia provides IT training to faculty, staff and students. Training is delivered through instructor-led workshops, online materials, demos and individual lessons. Training sessions can also be closed (arranged for groups at time convenient for them) or customized (our standard courses with customization for a particular audience). Workshops range from the basic to advanced levels in applications such as MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook), Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Moodle Learning Management System.

For more information regarding IITS upcoming courses and to register, please visit the IITS web page.

Also, you can visit the Microsoft web page for free training.

The Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre offers a community for students, staff and faculty, resources for faith and spiritual practice, spaces to study or relax and activities and workshops on campus. Visit the Multi-Faith and Spirituality Centre's activities and events web page for information about workshops.

The Office of Sustainability is responsible for developing, coordinating, maintaining and enhancing sustainability-related initiatives, strategies and programs at Concordia. Want to know how you can help your department advance Concordia’s Sustainability Action Plan through individual courses or a year-long applied volunteer experience? Learn more about the Employee Sustainability Ambassadors Program.

The PERFORM Centre provides an integrated and comprehensive environment to promote healthier lives through changes in behaviour and lifestyle by offering research opportunities, education, and preventative-based programs. See the PERFORM Centre's news and events page for upcoming workshops.

Online Training Modules and Self-Service Training Sessions

Records Management (RM) offers an online and in-person Training Program that provides a series of sessions around the basics of Records Management and the implementation of the Records Classification and Retention Plan (RCRP). Trainings support internal employees (staff and faculty) with effective organizational tools, explanations of RM procedures and policies - including the submission of documents to Archives - and guidelines for email management.

View the list of training sessions on Carrefour and learn how to register. [login required]

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